
Demay Refuge

Located on ASPA 128, on shore of Paradise Cove, between Demay Point and Uchatka Point. Wooden structure houses sleeping place for four people, heating, gas stove, water container, sink, shower and storage rooms. There is a VHF radio available with antenna on the rocks above the refuge. It is located approximately 10 km from the Stacji. It is a remote base for ecological monitoring.

Lions Rump Refuge

Locate on the border of ASPA 151, on western shore of King George Bay. Building is identical to the one on Demay. It houses sleeping place for four people and similar equipment. Distance from the Station is approximately 35 km. It is a seasonal base for ecological monitoring of Lions Rump area.

41. Wyprawa | 41. Expedition

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Baza terenowa Demay, fot. Marek Figielski